General information

A two-way opening retractable roof is a type of modern roof that allows you to bring natural light and fresh air into different spaces by adjusting the position of the roof. This type of roof is usually used in open spaces, restaurants, cafes and private spaces.

Open and closed mode: The ability to open in two directions, which allows you to create an open and airy space.
Light and air management: You can adjust the sunlight and air flow according to your needs by changing the position of the roof.
Thermal and acoustic insulation: Many retractable roofs have good insulation that helps control temperature and reduce noise.
Beautiful design: These roofs are usually designed in a beautiful and modern way that can help improve the overall appearance of the building.
Restaurants and cafes that want to create a special experience for their customers.
Backyards and gardens that want an open yet protected space.
Architecture and interior design projects that value the outdoors and connection to nature.
If you need more information or have a specific question, I'd be happy to help!

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Office address

Karaj, Motahari Blvd., Nabutov Intersection, next to Qanon Pharmacy, Kowsar Building

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